
Monday, October 1, 2012

The Tomorrow Project (Alberta, Canada)

Cancer touches the lives of all Albertans – 1 in 2 men will develop cancer in their lifetimes and 1 in 3 women will receive a cancer diagnosis.

One in four Albertans will die of cancer. (1)

The Tomorrow Project is the largest health research project undertaken in Alberta. Its goal is to find out more about the causes of cancer and other health conditions so researchers will be able to develop better strategies to improve our health in the future.

The Tomorrow Project is looking for 50,000 volunteers aged 35 to 69 who have never had cancer to participate. Once enrolled, participants are asked to fill out a survey about their health and lifestyle, and go to a study centre located in Calgary or Edmonton where they will be measured by trained staff, and asked to donate a sample of urine and blood or saliva. Those who can’t get to a study centre can request a mail-in saliva collection kit to use and send back.

To enroll today, simply call toll-free 1 877 919 9292 or visit Tell as many friends, family, neighbours and colleagues about this important province-wide health initiative, and encourage them to join. The commitment made today will help create a cancer-free tomorrow.

The Tomorrow Project is supported by the Alberta Cancer Foundation, the Alberta Cancer Prevention Legacy Fund (administered by Alberta Innovates-Health Solutions), the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, and Alberta Health Services.

1. Cancer Surveillance: 2008 Report on Cancer Statistics in Alberta. Edmonton: Surveillance and Health Status Assessment, Alberta Health Services, 2010.

About Onco-PRN

Welcome and thanks for visiting Onco-P.R.N. - The oncology website with a focus on all things oncology pharmacy/pain/palliative care-related. It is intended to be an information resource for those pharmacist and relevant health care professionals involved in whatever fashion with cancer and palliative care. Stay tuned for the latest and greatest links and information with respect to: oncology medications, continuing education, pharmaceutical care initiatives, pain and symptom control, supportive care topics, and whatever else that might fit into the theme.

*Note: This website is not affiliated with Alberta Health Services (AHS) or CAPhO and the opinions expressed herewithin are that of the author(s).

Pharmacy History

"The earliest known compilation of medicinal substances was ARIANA the Sushruta Samhita, an Indian Ayurvedic treatise attributed to Sushruta in the 6th century BC. However, the earliest text as preserved dates to the 3rd or 4th century AD.
Many Sumerian (late 6th millennium BC - early 2nd millennium BC) cuneiform clay tablets record prescriptions for medicine.[3]

Ancient Egyptian pharmacological knowledge was recorded in various papyri such as the Ebers Papyrus of 1550 BC, and the Edwin Smith Papyrus of the 16th century BC.

The earliest known Chinese manual on materia medica is the Shennong Bencao Jing (The Divine Farmer's Herb-Root Classic), dating back to the 1st century AD. It was compiled during the Han dynasty and was attributed to the mythical Shennong. Earlier literature included lists of prescriptions for specific ailments, exemplified by a manuscript "Recipes for 52 Ailments", found in the Mawangdui tomb, sealed in 168 BC. Further details on Chinese pharmacy can be found in the Pharmacy in China article."

From Wikipedia:

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