A healthcare innovator’s guide to must-know tech terms for the next decade of medicine | MedCity News
Personalized Medicine (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Precision medicine
"From targeted cancer drugs to molecular diagnostics, advances in genome sequencing are driving precision medicine. It’s defined by Pfizer as “an approach to discovering and developing medicines and vaccines that deliver superior outcomes for patients, by integrating clinical and molecular information to understand the basis of disease.”
Some use precision medicine synonymously with personalized medicine. Others say it’s a better term that captures the idea of personalized medicine more clearly: Not as medical care that’s tailored to an individual but rather the ability to classify individuals into smaller populations that might be more susceptible to certain diseases or respond to drugs differently. This term has been slowly gaining steam since 2011."
Read more: http://medcitynews.com/2013/08/a-healthcare-innovators-guide-to-must-know-tech-terms-for-the-next-decade-of-medicine/#ixzz2dSvxYbjO